Email Jill, Barb, Barb & Paula:
The FAQ page contains questions and answers that have been asked regarding form submission. Also included on this page is the link for you to download a copy of the instruction booklets as used at the galleries. Reviewing prior to a workday may be helpful.
Documents Available to Download:
1) How to Make a Sale
2) How to Redeem/Sell a Gift Certificate
3) Returns (please note we do not accept returns unless there is an extenuating circumstance)
4) Day End
Q: Are we doing separate labels for Margaretville and Delhi?
A: Yes, the store's have completely separate POS systems so the barcode numbers generated only match the store where they were printed.
Q: What does POS mean?
A: POS = Point of Sale. The software we use is called Amber.
Q: What does "DIMENSION" mean on the New Item Form?
A: Dimension is only used by several of our artists, if your items have different sizes, colors or fragrances, you can use dimension for that. So far it has been more work than it's worth for our artists so they are being phased out.
Q: What is the difference between a PRODUCT number and a SKU?
A: Our POS system requires both numbers in order to fill out the barcode form. The product number is your personal reference number. Each of your items should have an individual product number that start with the inititals you use at CatsGuild. After your initials, it can be a mix of numbers and letters or words, it can be anything you want it to be. The purpose of this is solely for personal identification of your items. The SKU is a consecutive number (as of now, we are in the 7000's) that creates the barcode, it is generated by the POS system. We have no control over this number. The SKU is what you need to write down to record a sale without computer access (example: at a show with no wifi) to identify an item. The SKU is also what you would use to reorder the same exact labels.
Q: Why do I have to wait for labels to be printed?
A: The labels must be done at night when there are no sales going on. Doing the labels ties up the software and is inconvenient during sales times.
Q: There is a SKU'ed Item form, how do I know my SKU numbers?
A:There are several ways to find your SKU. The SKU is on your previously printed labels for that item. If you want to reorder labels for items you've already entered into the POS system, using the SKU form is MUCH easier since all you need to enter is the SKU number and how many labels you'll need. At the bottom of that form is a check box asking if you'd like a report. Click yes and we'll send you one. Alternatively, you can send an email to and one will be sent to you.
Q: What if I want to change the price of an item? Must I create a new SKU? What is the most efficient way to change a price?
A:To change a price, email the SKU number, the new price and which store this is for and it will taken care of during the night. Remember that when you change a price you have to change the label on the item at the store also.
Thank you Rebecca Todd
Thank you Deborah Osherow
Thank you Deborah Osherow
Q: Will any old bar code reader read the info on CatsGuild barcodes? So if I got one of my own or sold to other shops, would they be readable?
A: Any barcode reader should read the code but that code will mean nothing to the other shop's software. The barcode ONLY has the SKU number attached to it, nothing else. The SKU is connected to the information that is on the POS system. If their software has an option to "import" barcode numbers, as we do with the books, then it would read the number but the information would still need to be entered into that system.
Thank you Amy Morris Pickens